Friday, 28 September 2012

Behind The Games We Play

So I heard everyone is talking about Slender and Amnesia.

Apparently everyone likes a good scare, though why, I don't know.

Maybe its just the way that life gets gets to boring for them, with jobs and studying and chores getting into a regular cycle, and they would do anything to get a kick out of life, even scaring themselves half to death, preferably twice.

Me? I have higher tastes. I don't need scares to keep me entertained. All I need is just a virtual sword/gun/magical power/god-like acrobatic skill and the ability to mow through legions of enemies and I'm a happy chappy.

Okay... Maybe I have crappy tastes.

But IMO, scary games should stay scary, and action games should stay action-y. Remember Resident Evil? Used to be a proper survival horror, now just another shoot-em-up.

The classics were the best though. Who could forget Mario and his never-ending quest to rescue Princess Peach?
All done.

But sometimes, people play games in their real lives. In college most of the games played by us revolves around love. A flirt here, a gift there. Suddenly making out, suddenly breaking up. It's a game, and one that is often played by the human race for a goal called survival. It's a game of winning the other person's heart, one I admit I play, but not so often.

What really irks me is that some choose to play games with other people's lives.

The game of love can very suddenly turn into this sort of game of control, where one controls the other, no matter if both or one or neither realises it.

Sadly, governments absolutely LOVE to play this game. To them, we are just pawns (some being bigger than others, apparently), prepared to be moved around according to their plans at a whim. We are soldiers, prepared to step into a war. And if we do stuff they don't like, BAM! They come out with, if not laws, then at the very least, guidelines, to make sure we become "ideal" citizens.

Next thing you know, V-necks, tight shirts and big bags will be banned from being sold in malls, and no one would be sure if guys and girls should be seated apart, seated together, or if everyone gets their own table in the future.

It used to be so simple before 2000. Games were just UNO, Scrabble, Batu Serembans and chasing each other down the hallway. At the very best, Pokemon Red & Blue on my cousin's Nintendo Colour.

Maybe that's cause I was still kid, and now I'm bigger, I'll hafta play the game of life.

*sigh* Maybe true games are, after all, another form of escape from reality.

Well, cya soon then. Time to hit the X-Box. Assassin's Creed and Final Fantasy FTW!!!

Not forgetting other games too:

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Behind Healing Hands

Shameless promotion time!!!

Its for a good cause!

All proceeds will go to the little kiddies, and it will only cost a little money and time!

Okay, you've probably heard these lines a kazillion times, asking for a donation here or a helping hand there. (Pun Intended.) It is, indeed, a good thing to extend a, I don't want to repeat myself here, generous limb (CLICK THE IMAGE!), but sometimes it just doesn't bring about the helpful feel. You don't get to personally really see where the help is going to.

To me, an act of kindness and helpfulness is only real when you are there, physically lending a hand to someone in need. Like a volunteer in a soup kitchen, feeding those who cannot afford a lump of bread. Or like doctors, for example. They spend half of their lives saving other lives. I could probably testify to this, as I spent a week or so stalking doctors with a couple of others from Taylor's at a medical center which for the sake of anonymity I will refer to as SJMC. Not sure if lucky or unlucky, as I ended up visiting SJMC on a quiet week. Nothing much to be seen but a fitness test here and a CT scan there. But even so, the doctors and nurses rush from one end to another, making sure that everything is sailing smooth for the healing of everyone who seeks treatment.

Which hand shineth the greatest, the one which handeth out money for other's healing, or the one who useth the money to heal others?

Like when I talk about Msia, I
always end up talking about
something else....
Whoops, forgot I was supposed to promote the run. I am a horrible promoter. T^T

I guess Vy does it better.

Maybe its because I don't know the kiddies, so I don't feel a real connection, a real motivation to help through material ways.

I just I should start visiting the orphanages for a change.

But then again, until I have the time and/or ability to physically heal, I would have to heal through other ways. One does not simply ignore a chance to help a fellow being. Is it not said that good karma would bring about? From what I've heard, these kids have great potential, and some day in the future, it might be THEM helping you.

Besides, the run is organised by my college. Of course I trust that this run will no doubt make the lives of the orphans much much better.

Anyways, here's another poster!

 For further information, you can personally contact anyone below,
Vy Vyan - 0176237823
Timothy  - 0102202375
Darren    - 0122128478

Hope to cya all at the run! Show that your hands can do some sort of healing, and not just type onna keyboard!