Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Behind Thinking of Exams in the Holidays

the caffeine runs through 
my veins from my 
superior mesenteric vein to the portal vein to the hepatic system to my IVC to my right atrium
to the right ventricle to my lungs back 
to the left atria 
to the left ventricle to the aorta to the carotids up 
to my Circle of Willis to the meningeal arteries pass the blood-brain barrier diffuse into my Neuronal cell bodies hyperstimulation electrical impulses shooting in all directions
by Kylie Ang, 2015

Just a peek into my medical year ahead, starting in 5 days.

I will leave this home in 3 days for another abode.

Finish packing and shopping in two days.

Finish writing in one day.

Less than one day to cite/steal/be inspired a poem.

Time actually flies, don't you think? And before I know it exams will be here again. Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo.............

Which is why 50% of my luggage would be powdered coffee.

Cya in the UK, and God bless the Queen. She's been there for a looooooooooooooong time.