Monday, 30 May 2011

Behind Teacher's Day


Since it looks like nothing special's coming up during the hols, I'm going to use this time to rant about SMKB ( aka my school )'s Teacher's Day.

I come to school early in the morning to find out that half the students are missing! Which is not really a surprise since it's 2 days away from the holidays and many decided to extend thier time away from school.

( PS: If school is home away from home, and you spend your time away from school at home, does that mean you spend time at home away from home away from home? Just sayin'. )

30 minutes later, we find ourselves in the school hall. Now, I'm a blue-shirt and that means I walk around the hall instead of sittning inside it. Which sometimes is a good thing. See, the thing is someone upstairs decided it would be a bad idea to let the entire day go to waste without any studying. Next thing you know, papers were distributed and the following hour is used for a DEAR program.
                                                     r v n e
                                                     o e d a
                                                     p r    d

Those too lazy to stare at the paper will instead stare at the whale on the wall.

Recess. Everone moved in an "orderly manner" to the class and then got chased down to the canteen, and then chased back into the hall, where, by then, no one felt like being orderly anymore. So, everyone got to sit anywhere they like and chat! Yay!

I personally blame the school's system.

Ok. On to Teacher's Day. Principal's speech. PIBG's speech. Speech from the Kementerian. Performance!

  1. Teacher's Choir
  2. Student's Choir
  3. Scout's Modern Dance
  4. Solo Singing
  5. Chinese Dance ( Shan Zi Wu )
  6. Drama
  7. Video

My favourite is still the drama, cause my juniors did it!!! Gratz!! Especially after what happened last year when our batch planned it... T^T
            What do you mean it's cancelled!!!            Teacher said we not  
                                                                            prepared enough.
After all that practice...

Guess the other two person's identity. ^.^ Go Kbians!

After that, we went back to class, be crazy for a few moments, and then go back home to upload photos onto facebook.

BTW, big thank you to Yong Shen for your photos! And sorry for not informing...

And I think that's it for today... Here's some balloons.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Behind The Books

Hi y'all.

A little something about why this blog is up.

SPM is around the corner and the books are on the table. But that doesn't mean I'm a nerd.

Most of you who know me keep saying that I can't live a day without a book in front of me. Well, you be wrong.

Underneath this quiet face ( no, I do not have quiet eyes ) and behind these specs, there lies a dark side within me. A wild side.

Alright, a fun-loving side. -.-

But with the major exam coming up, it doesn't have a chance to express itself. Until now. Where, possibly, I won't get banned.

Dang, that sounded kinda dark for a first posting! :P So I'll end with a comic:

                Won't you get
                     fat eating that?                                                             
  No. It's fat free.                                                                                
When did ice-cream have fat?

But I still want some....