Considering that it's currently Chinese New Year, you would expect me to be sweating right now, what with all the sunlight and all the firecrackers and "bai-nian"ing and mahjonging and stuff.
Well, no. In fact, quite the opposite. Why, just two days ago I was so cold, there was snow on my coat, which I wore outside my hoodie, which I wore outside my long sleeved T-shirt, which I wore outside my singlet.
That's right, folks. The Jian is NOT in Malaysia, and it's winter where he is.
And even through all these layers, the chill still manages to slip in and stab its cold blade between my ribs. BRRRR!
Why am I in cold cold London, you may ask, when my family is enjoying Chinese New Year festivities back home? (Which I must say gets quieter and quieter each year. Hey, even my cousin in London sez that!)
Two words:
Yep. I'm spending my time here for the sake of my future. The things I do to get into med school...
Apparently the med schools I'm applying to do not conduct Skype interviews or have representatives in Malaysia, only personal, real, face-to-face interviews. So 14 hours of sitting in an airplane later, and after 20 minutes per interview, here I am, looking forward for another 14 hours of flight time.
Which is ridonkulous. Simple calculation: 28 hours of useless flight time two ways for a "productive" 20 minute interview. That's like expecting me to have an efficiency of 1/84 (a little over 1%). Really? You expect us to use our time like that and somehow manage to research the cure for cancer/Parkinson's/the next big thingmajig? I expected better of you!!
Well, all of us do take time for granted. Going about with our business, praying for money/fame/love (which I still am), watching the seasons go by. Next thing you know....
Well, all of us do take time for granted. Going about with our business, praying for money/fame/love (which I still am), watching the seasons go by. Next thing you know....
Everyone's looking to the past, half of them's looking to the future, but no one's living in the now, and they're wasting my presents! C'mon, people! You Only Live Once:
Flying so often is scary.....
So, Imma hoard my time. Probably bury it underground if possible. If not, I'll spend it the best I can. I resolve not to waste the time of others too. Its not up to me what they would do with their 86,400 seconds a day, but it'll be evil to rob them of it.
Running thru time |
Okay, I think that's 5 minutes of your time and an hour of mine wasted. Imma go and do something productive and prepare for college. It's starting soon, y'know. Cya!
work in progress
For all your unfinished posts' needs!
work no longer in progress
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