Friday, 30 August 2013

Behind The Chase and The Ensuing Wait

This was going to be a rant about how inefficient certain governmental bodies are.

You know how they always take their time with the stuff you process through them, including - no, ESPECIALLY when you need the process cleared right away. And it probably would never get done, unless you chase them every single hour of every single day. It's like an a- a donkey who would only move when prodded with a really sharp stick, and then not always in the right direction.

But then I realised that people do that all the time, and this post will end up to be another run of the mill ones.

So I thought of this article I saw on 9gag awhile back: >>>>>>>

A tad morbid, I know. But you have no idea how I feel when I deal with these govt people. Makes me wanna do this to them.

Who invented bureaucracy, anyway?

On a more serious note, I'm pretty sure the chase is a metaphor for something else. It usually is. Usually when someone says chase, he won't mean harry or persuade someone to put some effort into it. A chase is commonly associated with a goal, a prize, or more commonly, a random stranger who just happened to pull your handbag off your shoulder.

Chases are good things. If you reach your goal, you can give yourself a pat on the back, and tell yourself and everyone around you that all that effort was worth it; if you don't, well, at the very least you tried to grab the guy with your bag instead of trying to tweet the incident on your now non-existent phone.

But that's not the most important part. What is more important is what you do after you reach your goal.

Hooray for you! The chase is now over!    
Now what?

Do you end your journey?
Do you live the rest of your life in the comfort of your spoils?
Do you loiter about, telling yourself, your children and your grandchildren that you have once done something great?

Or do you set your sights on something greater, and start the chase anew?

There would always be something out there you don't know, don't have or didn't try. I made it my goal to catch'em all. It's a long journey, but as any runner nay tell you, it's much better than standing still.

Anyway, it's getting late. My dad's chasing me to bed. D: Cya.

Gratz for getting to the end. ^^

Monday, 19 August 2013

Behind Being Free & Busy at The Same Time

You may think that what with A-Levels being over and stuff, I would have a lot of Laze time with the laptop and a book, with possibly a nice cup of smoothie. I seem to be into smooothies nowadays.

And I have been. Swhat I'm doing now, and The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender is sitting right next to the laptop, tempting me to make myself sad again. As for the smoothies, well there's milk, banana and avocado in the fridge. I take my time.

But then again, I've been out a lot recently. The JPA/BTN camp, the class trip to Redang, and the family trips to Sg Lembing and Chiang Mai (that's in Thailand). And I really enjoyed it. Experience and beauty. I love them all for that. To make me busy in my free time so that I don't go insane. But...

Thing is, I wanna do nothing. Like, really nothing. I wanna keep track of my thoughts and see where they lead me. I want to think of myself and what I actually do and how I really affect people and how people affect me. Most of all, I don't want my path to be set by other people for me. So that I could change for the better.

This is a very insightful journey, but a perilous
one too.
Sometimes I think I'm Charlie from Perks of Being A Wallflower.

And then I slap myself and say that that's a worst case scenario. I should be grateful, and I am.

But now, after A-Levels results are out, (got what I expected, thanks for asking), I'm getting kinda scared. I mean, in another month or so, I'll be flying off to live alone in the UK. Well, not really alone. I'm sure there're great people there. But I don't wanna grow up.
The reason why I'm so down while writing this post is because of visa applications. So many forms... So many documents.... I have lots to do, yet I can't do anything while I wait for responses to my queries.
Email sucks.
Hence the second meaning to the blog post title.

Short post today. Can't really focus with the visa forms sitting on the other side of the laptop, facing lemons.

Cya soon.