Now that the year is pretty much over for me, I now have time and motivation to do stuff aside from academicals.
Like art.
But what is art, anyway? According to the Internet:
"Art is making something out of nothing then selling it"
Frank zappa said that about art
Dang it, Urban Dictionary!
Well, for most people, art goes something along the lines of:

A memory of my brief visit to the Van Gogh and Picasso museum. Long queues, but totally worth it.
These same people would say the same thing about the arts of today:
Okay, perhaps that wasn't the most legitimate of comparisons, but you see where I am getting at here.
Yes, I know, the art now looks as if the artist is a lazy bum who sells $10 of canvas and $5 of paint for $250.... Well, why are people buying them then?! I say if it's too expensive for you, make your own. Simple supply-and-demand applies here.
Besides, the thing about art is that it's not limited to just any one style, and so you are free to make your own style. Anything you draw, anything you do, anything you say; basically, anything you can create, could and should be an art.
I say books are an art. Lots of thought have gone into the writing of a good book. Like Terry Pratchett's
Discworld series. Bringing life to 300 pages a book, creating life on the back of a giant turtle, and sucking readers into it, with no escape whatsoever. If that isn't art, I don't know what is. (In fact, Dicsworld has even influenced my views on religion, even more than one certain book. THAT is how awesome it is.)
Or TV series. For the exact same argument as book, you can say that TV series and movies are a form of art as well. I mean, people cry over it. Have you ever watched
Doctor Who or, heaven forbid,
Game of Thrones?! Now that's a show which has broken many a fan's heart.
Now what if we mix those two genres together....
Yup. That's art.
(If you do not get the reference, stop reading this blog, and go pick up
Men At Arms by Terry Pratchett. Go watch Sherlock as well. Now.)
And then there's me and my sprites.
Still art.
TL;DR: Art is just what you say it is, just like a whole lot of other things. Don't get too worked out about it, cause you and me: we have differing tastes. So critique, yes, but don't judge. And most importantly, enjoy it.
Cya later this week, hopefully with a better animation than this.
Oh crap, did I forget about music?! Eh, too late now.... Maybe next time.