... or the end of it. Yay!
Anyway... There goes the end of one section of my life. The middle/high school part.
True, it means freedom from the tyranny of school. But looking back, it feels kinda sad. I mean, that's the thing that turned me from this:
Into this:
Not really sure if its good or bad.
But I am still thankful for it.
So, hope to cya soon.
Friday, 16 December 2011
Friday, 23 September 2011
Behind The Delay
Sorry the blog post took so long to come up.
I was busy with my SPM trials, what with studying and all.
Anyways, just to say that this blog is gonna be in a coma for a while.
Even Google understands.
And I'm thinking that I should just download bannedstory to another computer. You think?
Gonna memorize formulas now. Cya.
I was busy with my SPM trials, what with studying and all.
Anyways, just to say that this blog is gonna be in a coma for a while.
Even Google understands.
And I'm thinking that I should just download bannedstory to another computer. You think?
Gonna memorize formulas now. Cya.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Behind The Other Side of The Blazer
As of now, I am outside it.
It's been a few days since I've stopped being a prefect. Now the juniors are in charge of the discipline of the school. I still remember the day of the retirement like it was yesterday ( although it was this Monday... *ahem* ).
Of course, the pics helped a bit too...
It's been a few days since I've stopped being a prefect. Now the juniors are in charge of the discipline of the school. I still remember the day of the retirement like it was yesterday ( although it was this Monday... *ahem* ).
Of course, the pics helped a bit too...
Awesome aerial view!!
The now ex-seniors
Juniors standing at attention.
Handing over of flag and power of two generations of Ketua Pengawas
His final speech as KP
And so our life as prefects in this school has ended. But it is just the beginning for more to come...
P.S. There are more photos to come too!
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Behind Another Busy Schedule
Busy, busy, busy... Whole week was just filled with events...
Last Saturday: My Challenge ( no it ain't mine ) at SMK Seri KDU
Last Saturday: My Challenge ( no it ain't mine ) at SMK Seri KDU
Last Sunday: Jogging for Hope at Taylor's
Wednesday: Weigh-in for Taekondo MSSWP
Thursday: Ntaional Chemistry Quiz ( I'm the only one from my class )
Friday : Taekwondo MSSWP THE Competition ( strangely not in a stadium )
Saturday: Interviewing potential juniors ( for prefects )
Sunday I am blogging about this
And now my mom's nagging me to study for August's monthly exams.
Will I ever get a break?
Maybe not.
I need to chillax now. Cya.
Friday, 8 July 2011
Behind Both Sides of A Teacher's Desk
So yesterday, the most dreaded day of possibly EVERY student has arrived.
But nothing much happened really.
No crying.
No laughing.
No fighting.
Or any of the sort.
Not any that we will see in the school anyway. It all happens in the privacy of their own homes.
Busy dutying the whole day. Greeting parents with a "Welcome!" and a smile. Which can be fun.
If your definition of fun is saying and doing the same thing 50++ times in a row.
Alright, here comes my mom.
She's walking up the stairs.
The teacher will see her now.
That's it?
Just a comment on how late I am in entering class because imma prefect but other than that he's hunky-dory.
She doesn't know me very well, does she?
Well, just because of that comment, my mom's already fuming. (?) Or is it my sis's results?
Can't tell what the other parents are thinking though. All of them have good poker faces.
Anyways, cya soon.
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Behind The Handle of The Fire Drill
Because literally, fire drill is a burning machine for boring holes.
Plus, it really is boring.
But I digress.
Anyways, the second fire drill of the year is basically like the first one. Bell rings three times inna row. Everyone jumping up from their seats saying "Wootz. Fire." instead of "Aaaah, Fire!"
We take things that seriously.
And so, everyone was directed to the field by the dutying prefects ( myself not included ) who so happened to be guarding the available toilets and preventing students from loitering in them. Personally, I think that's ok for a fire drill, but if a real fire occurs, they are gonne be burnt meat.
Talking about burnt meat, at the field, the teacher on duty commented on our slowness ( 11 min ) in reaching the field will cause us to turn into the food in question. I'm pretty comfident that if there is a real danger of a fire, you wouldn't see a cheetah run faster.
Cuz we're Kbian Cemerlang!
As my friend Nicky posted in his now dead blog, ( this is pure plagarism ) :
in a FIRE DRILL,Plus, not being burnt by fire by having fire drill will still cause us to not NOT be burnt anyway as burning fast by fire is the same as burning slow by sun. Say that three times three times as fast!
1. Everyone would scream 'FIRE!' just to balance their uncontrollable hormones [girls, you are not exempted in this]
2. Basically the movement from the class to the assembly area would have no difference with the walk to the market.
3. Lights and fans will be switched off, windows and doors will be closed.
4. Prefects blocking entries to the toilets. [Awesome]
5. It takes 11 minutes for everyone to settle down and to line up.
6. Attendance will be taken and speeches will be given.
1. Everyone would scream 'FIRE!' because they wanna save their life first.
2. Forget running, everyone would push and hop about to escape.
3. Do not expect the classroom to have their switches off nor closing the windows/doors. Everyone would take their bags and run.
4. Toilets are open for you to enter as no one would risk their life guarding the entrance if they know the fire is spreading in the toilet bowl.
5. The requirement to be at the assembly ground is at most, 4 minutes. In such case, I think 2 minutes is more than enough [if that is, everyone really listened to orders and line up at the assembly ground.
6. The teachers are very responsible and they would be ready to do what they needed to do. But there will be no students there because everyone would probably be sitting at the nearby restaurant drinking Chinese Tea
Argh, fire drill got me fuming! Cya later.
Monday, 4 July 2011
Behind Mundane Monday
Didn't know life at home would bore just as much as school. At least I get to squeeze in more sleep... zzzz...
So I think I would play with the snipping tool today.
Pic 1:
That is awesomeness if I ever saw it.
I mean, just because it had the words "add maths" and "cake baking" innit, 100 luckless students are directed to my post with half a page of text, no answers and two screaming guys whacking paper.
What are the odds? New formula learnt:
Now THAT'S trolling.
I love parodies. I don't know why, but it always tickle my funny bone.
And I'm a big fan of nigahiga too.
Just trying to spread the fun around, don't look/shout at me...
So I think I would play with the snipping tool today.
Pic 1:
That is awesomeness if I ever saw it.
I mean, just because it had the words "add maths" and "cake baking" innit, 100 luckless students are directed to my post with half a page of text, no answers and two screaming guys whacking paper.
What are the odds? New formula learnt:
Alright, pic 2:
Now THAT'S trolling.
I love parodies. I don't know why, but it always tickle my funny bone.
And I'm a big fan of nigahiga too.
Just trying to spread the fun around, don't look/shout at me...
Oh, no, my snipping scissors are blunt... Going to sharpen it. Cya.
Sunday, 3 July 2011
Behind The Carnival Stall of Kelab Seni
...is a whole pile of junk and backpacks. I'm serious.
Back to the beginning of the day. Agreed to arrive at school at 6.30. Woke up at 5.15 am so that i could wake my sis at 5.30. Which is really pointless anyway since when we reached the school at 6.30, no one else was there yet (except Jin Wei) and nothing could be done. No offence, but that's Malaysian time for you.
Anyways... at least the stall got prepped up in time. I spent, like, 3 hours yesterday crashing at my sis's friends house getting everything drawn and coloured.
Not that I know anything about the actual placement of decorations since my sis and I are running the (really short) 1Murid1Sukan event. That's right. The 1.85 km run that every student in every school in every country have to enter to promote participation of sports by students. It's healthy, but I smell poli....
Not that I can complain, since it boosted drink and ice-cream sale in the entire carnival. Which is exactly what we are selling. *YAY*
Dunno what to do during the entire carnival, so I alternated between prefect uniform (roaming around the shool) and green T (buying food and stall duty) every hour. No, it's not that troublesome. I rather enjoyed that.
Although I do regret not changing pants. I left stall duty with mysterious stains on 'em.
So, as a total, during the time i spent in the T, I've spent RM 30 worth of coupons. Else these coupons'll go to waste.
1. Root beer float RM 2
2. Cheesy wedges RM 3
3. Summer cocktail RM 2
4. Ice-lemon tea RM 2
5. Strawberry ice-cream RM 2
6. Seafood stick RM 3
7. Coconut bowling RM 2
8. Fried ice-cream RM 3
9. Vanilla ice-cream (friend's) RM 2
10. Gift to sis RM 5
11. Syrup RM 2
and... i kinda forgot where the last two ringgit of coupons went. Why am i telling you this, anyway?
Actually, i have discovered that there is no point buying food in a carnival anyway. If you wait till the end of everything, you will find people will be giving out free food to clear stock. How do you think we finished all our ice-cream?
And so we went back with full tummys. Waiting for the sugar rush and the indigestion to kick in.
Sorry guys, the program with bannedstory3 in it crashed yesterday. So no more sprites for awhile. Unless the bannedstory4 would stop lagging....
Back to the beginning of the day. Agreed to arrive at school at 6.30. Woke up at 5.15 am so that i could wake my sis at 5.30. Which is really pointless anyway since when we reached the school at 6.30, no one else was there yet (except Jin Wei) and nothing could be done. No offence, but that's Malaysian time for you.
Anyways... at least the stall got prepped up in time. I spent, like, 3 hours yesterday crashing at my sis's friends house getting everything drawn and coloured.
Not that I know anything about the actual placement of decorations since my sis and I are running the (really short) 1Murid1Sukan event. That's right. The 1.85 km run that every student in every school in every country have to enter to promote participation of sports by students. It's healthy, but I smell poli....
Not that I can complain, since it boosted drink and ice-cream sale in the entire carnival. Which is exactly what we are selling. *YAY*
Dunno what to do during the entire carnival, so I alternated between prefect uniform (roaming around the shool) and green T (buying food and stall duty) every hour. No, it's not that troublesome. I rather enjoyed that.
Although I do regret not changing pants. I left stall duty with mysterious stains on 'em.
So, as a total, during the time i spent in the T, I've spent RM 30 worth of coupons. Else these coupons'll go to waste.
1. Root beer float RM 2
2. Cheesy wedges RM 3
3. Summer cocktail RM 2
4. Ice-lemon tea RM 2
5. Strawberry ice-cream RM 2
6. Seafood stick RM 3
7. Coconut bowling RM 2
8. Fried ice-cream RM 3
9. Vanilla ice-cream (friend's) RM 2
10. Gift to sis RM 5
11. Syrup RM 2
and... i kinda forgot where the last two ringgit of coupons went. Why am i telling you this, anyway?
Actually, i have discovered that there is no point buying food in a carnival anyway. If you wait till the end of everything, you will find people will be giving out free food to clear stock. How do you think we finished all our ice-cream?
And so we went back with full tummys. Waiting for the sugar rush and the indigestion to kick in.
Sorry guys, the program with bannedstory3 in it crashed yesterday. So no more sprites for awhile. Unless the bannedstory4 would stop lagging....
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Behind Boredness of Sports Day
Hey, guys.
Just spent half of the day ( the hot half ) roasting in the school field. Because someone decided it will reflect a good image on the school if all students gabe half a Saturday to the school...
Ah, well. At least we have the Monday off.
The dy begun like a normal weekday. Waking up before the alarm rang at 5.30. Make Milo for me and my sis. The only difference is that the only things I'm bringing today are my bottle of water and an extra t-shirt. Minimalist sports wear. :)
So I went and help my house, Geroda, or Garuda ( I think it sounds cooler. ) with the final tent decorations, for awhile before going to join the marching. To me, the tent appears as if it will take flight at anytime.
Yes, it's that good.
Tze Yang, Zhan Feng, Angel, Chee Onn, you are awesome!!! So awesome you pushed Garuda to glory again!!!
Ahem. Was high on Coke.
So, where was I? Right. Marching.
We stood on the field baking in our blazers in line for half an hour waiting for the VIP to come. But I can't really complain. If I was Pn Marina I wouldn't show up early too. Or she'll have to wait for us to get ready 1st.
But half an hour? Seriously? No offence...
Thankfully, after the march, when we're required to line up smack in the middle of the field, the sun decided to take a nap behind the clouds for awhile. Plus, principal's and Pn Marina's mood seem good today, otherwise they would have made their speech twice as long. But I can't really complain.
Then comes the semi-exciting part. After the slow progressions out of the field, begins the performances done by:
1) Band ( always awesome )
2) Wudo ( never did like 'em, but 'ts ok )
3) Cheerleaders ( is it me, or are they getting less hot each year? just saying )
I won't go into further details about the rest of the day since it's the same in every school, every year. Besides, this post's long overdue anyway. Special mention to the tug-o'-war event that, strangely, gets more hits than the cheerleading...
Final results: SMKB. I'm in Green. Ah, well. Win some, lose some.
Now, where's my burger?
Just spent half of the day ( the hot half ) roasting in the school field. Because someone decided it will reflect a good image on the school if all students gabe half a Saturday to the school...
Ah, well. At least we have the Monday off.
The dy begun like a normal weekday. Waking up before the alarm rang at 5.30. Make Milo for me and my sis. The only difference is that the only things I'm bringing today are my bottle of water and an extra t-shirt. Minimalist sports wear. :)
So I went and help my house, Geroda, or Garuda ( I think it sounds cooler. ) with the final tent decorations, for awhile before going to join the marching. To me, the tent appears as if it will take flight at anytime.
Yes, it's that good.
Tze Yang, Zhan Feng, Angel, Chee Onn, you are awesome!!! So awesome you pushed Garuda to glory again!!!
Ahem. Was high on Coke.
So, where was I? Right. Marching.
We stood on the field baking in our blazers in line for half an hour waiting for the VIP to come. But I can't really complain. If I was Pn Marina I wouldn't show up early too. Or she'll have to wait for us to get ready 1st.
But half an hour? Seriously? No offence...
Thankfully, after the march, when we're required to line up smack in the middle of the field, the sun decided to take a nap behind the clouds for awhile. Plus, principal's and Pn Marina's mood seem good today, otherwise they would have made their speech twice as long. But I can't really complain.
Then comes the semi-exciting part. After the slow progressions out of the field, begins the performances done by:
1) Band ( always awesome )
2) Wudo ( never did like 'em, but 'ts ok )
3) Cheerleaders ( is it me, or are they getting less hot each year? just saying )
I won't go into further details about the rest of the day since it's the same in every school, every year. Besides, this post's long overdue anyway. Special mention to the tug-o'-war event that, strangely, gets more hits than the cheerleading...
Final results: SMKB. I'm in Green. Ah, well. Win some, lose some.
Now, where's my burger?
Friday, 3 June 2011
Behind The Photo Session
Friday, and we're off to SAN DIEGO!!!
Which is the wedding shop in Jalan Ipoh... :P
No, we went there cause they provide photography services and we, the AJK Lembaga Pengawas 2010/2011 need an awesome photo for the school magazine!! Since it is our last year in LP SMKB, might as well go out with style.
We got this chance only because of our special friend, Angel. She had been organising this outing since April and did all the planning work. But unluckily, few days ago she got an infection and needed to be hospitalised. But she still came to ensure everything ran smoothly. So, everyone give a big round of applause for our Angel!
Which is the wedding shop in Jalan Ipoh... :P
No, we went there cause they provide photography services and we, the AJK Lembaga Pengawas 2010/2011 need an awesome photo for the school magazine!! Since it is our last year in LP SMKB, might as well go out with style.
We got this chance only because of our special friend, Angel. She had been organising this outing since April and did all the planning work. But unluckily, few days ago she got an infection and needed to be hospitalised. But she still came to ensure everything ran smoothly. So, everyone give a big round of applause for our Angel!
Photos are not up yet, so till next time.
C'ya. ^^
Monday, 30 May 2011
Behind Teacher's Day
Since it looks like nothing special's coming up during the hols, I'm going to use this time to rant about SMKB ( aka my school )'s Teacher's Day.
I come to school early in the morning to find out that half the students are missing! Which is not really a surprise since it's 2 days away from the holidays and many decided to extend thier time away from school.
( PS: If school is home away from home, and you spend your time away from school at home, does that mean you spend time at home away from home away from home? Just sayin'. )
30 minutes later, we find ourselves in the school hall. Now, I'm a blue-shirt and that means I walk around the hall instead of sittning inside it. Which sometimes is a good thing. See, the thing is someone upstairs decided it would be a bad idea to let the entire day go to waste without any studying. Next thing you know, papers were distributed and the following hour is used for a DEAR program.
r v n e
o e d a
p r d
Those too lazy to stare at the paper will instead stare at the whale on the wall.
Recess. Everone moved in an "orderly manner" to the class and then got chased down to the canteen, and then chased back into the hall, where, by then, no one felt like being orderly anymore. So, everyone got to sit anywhere they like and chat! Yay!
I personally blame the school's system.
Ok. On to Teacher's Day. Principal's speech. PIBG's speech. Speech from the Kementerian. Performance!

My favourite is still the drama, cause my juniors did it!!! Gratz!! Especially after what happened last year when our batch planned it... T^T
What do you mean it's cancelled!!! Teacher said we not
prepared enough.
Guess the other two person's identity. ^.^ Go Kbians!
After that, we went back to class, be crazy for a few moments, and then go back home to upload photos onto facebook.
BTW, big thank you to Yong Shen for your photos! And sorry for not informing...
And I think that's it for today... Here's some balloons.
Since it looks like nothing special's coming up during the hols, I'm going to use this time to rant about SMKB ( aka my school )'s Teacher's Day.
I come to school early in the morning to find out that half the students are missing! Which is not really a surprise since it's 2 days away from the holidays and many decided to extend thier time away from school.
( PS: If school is home away from home, and you spend your time away from school at home, does that mean you spend time at home away from home away from home? Just sayin'. )
30 minutes later, we find ourselves in the school hall. Now, I'm a blue-shirt and that means I walk around the hall instead of sittning inside it. Which sometimes is a good thing. See, the thing is someone upstairs decided it would be a bad idea to let the entire day go to waste without any studying. Next thing you know, papers were distributed and the following hour is used for a DEAR program.
r v n e
o e d a
p r d
Those too lazy to stare at the paper will instead stare at the whale on the wall.
Recess. Everone moved in an "orderly manner" to the class and then got chased down to the canteen, and then chased back into the hall, where, by then, no one felt like being orderly anymore. So, everyone got to sit anywhere they like and chat! Yay!
I personally blame the school's system.
Ok. On to Teacher's Day. Principal's speech. PIBG's speech. Speech from the Kementerian. Performance!
- Teacher's Choir
- Student's Choir
- Scout's Modern Dance
- Solo Singing
- Chinese Dance ( Shan Zi Wu )
- Drama
- Video

My favourite is still the drama, cause my juniors did it!!! Gratz!! Especially after what happened last year when our batch planned it... T^T
What do you mean it's cancelled!!! Teacher said we not
prepared enough.
After that, we went back to class, be crazy for a few moments, and then go back home to upload photos onto facebook.
BTW, big thank you to Yong Shen for your photos! And sorry for not informing...
And I think that's it for today... Here's some balloons.

Sunday, 29 May 2011
Behind The Books
Hi y'all.
A little something about why this blog is up.
SPM is around the corner and the books are on the table. But that doesn't mean I'm a nerd.
Most of you who know me keep saying that I can't live a day without a book in front of me. Well, you be wrong.
Underneath this quiet face ( no, I do not have quiet eyes ) and behind these specs, there lies a dark side within me. A wild side.
Alright, a fun-loving side. -.-
But with the major exam coming up, it doesn't have a chance to express itself. Until now. Where, possibly, I won't get banned.
When did ice-cream have fat?
A little something about why this blog is up.
SPM is around the corner and the books are on the table. But that doesn't mean I'm a nerd.
Most of you who know me keep saying that I can't live a day without a book in front of me. Well, you be wrong.
Underneath this quiet face ( no, I do not have quiet eyes ) and behind these specs, there lies a dark side within me. A wild side.
Alright, a fun-loving side. -.-
But with the major exam coming up, it doesn't have a chance to express itself. Until now. Where, possibly, I won't get banned.
Dang, that sounded kinda dark for a first posting! :P So I'll end with a comic:
Won't you get
fat eating that?
No. It's fat free.

But I still want some....
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