Imagine, now, that an idol in this field; a simple actor, has perished in the exact way he lived on screen. Is this irony? Or is there a guy upstairs with a weird sense of humour, and finds this the proper ending, or distraction from world problems, like how much people hate their government, no matter who it may be.
Pictures of his passing fill the Internet, followed by pictures of people ridiculing people who mourn his passing. In a way, they are all and both wrong and right. He was just a lucky man who had met with an unfortunate death. But how much respect does he deserve?
Meanwhile, halfway across the globe...
Recall a time when the skin colour determines the social class. When all we needed to know was who worked for whom and where each persons' places are. We may think we have left that time, but there is always someone who is either selfish, backward, or just plain stupid enough who might wanna bring that time back.
I wanted, before, to be an impact; a simple person, to perish for how others wished to live. Is this selflessness? Or is there a guy upstairs with a weird faith in humanity, and makes it a divine guidance, or a hope for the world's people, to know that every person is equal, no matter who they may be.
People across the world fill the social media with their condolences, followed by the people in South Africa remembering how much their lives were changed by him. In a way, they are all affected by his action. He was just an unlucky man who had met with an extremely fortunate fate. But how much respect does he deserve?

Requiescat in pace,
Paul Walker.
Requiescat in pace,
Nelson Mandela.
Cya world.
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