Saturday, 11 January 2014

Behind 2014: A Wish

So it's been a week or so into the new year, and it's been going quite good.

New books, new lecturers, new resolutions.... Although we all know what actually happens to resolutions, don't we? ;)

I decided not to have a New Year's Resolution for 2014 for precisely that reason. Instead, I am going to have a Blog-ly Resolution. Using my blog posts as deadlines for certain goals I should achieve, then I would be less likely to fail.

Set smaller goals, and achieve them easy, nae problemo.

But, will I get around to actually setting goals by the time I write my next blog post? Or would I be put off blogging completely so that I would not have to see those goals ever again?

Ah well.


3 goals are two too many. But it's the ambition that counts :)

Met my friend for lunch the other day. Let's call her.... May.

Currently studying in Uni of Penn. (IVY LEAGUE!) Standard overachiever.

First met her at the JPA camp. Seems pretty nice.

Also part time Dragon Slayer.
But the thing about overachievers like her is that often she becomes a butt of jokes, of sorts. Just because one has different pursuits and timetables compared to the average student and knows that one is more ambitious and smarter than most, one is labeled arrogant and lifeless.

Is this the norm of society, to make sure that everyone fits in to a standard mold? Or is this just jealousy, to make someone else feel bad for something you can't do?

I guess it's human nature to make others the same as yourself.

I realise that I am very prone to this phenomena though. As if I change or dumb myself to fit in, because I fear they will not accept the real me.

Perhaps I was too scared. Perhaps I was too timid.

Not this year. No words but my own.

May endured the words, or maybe she blanked it out. Either way, she got into Penn, and that's due to her hard work, even though she might say it was grace.

If words can't affect her, I see no reason it should affect me.

This is not a resolution. This is a wish, one I will make true.

Cya, winter.

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