Thursday, 2 October 2014

Behind Moving In, Up, and Across

So apparently I have a place to myself now.

No just kidding. I'm renting.

But it comes with a lot of responsibilities that are usually not present when living with your parents/living in college halls.

Gas. Electric. Water. Broadband. Furniture. Cleaning. And a council tax you have to submit and exemption form for or get a court summons for it.

I mean, I know I have to pay for what I use eventually, but now?!

My dad was right. There's no such thing as a free lunch. And even if there were free lunches, I will probably gorge myself until I get fat with excess carbohydrates, which I would have to run halfway across the world to get rid off.

But personally, I wouldn't mind.

Sigh. I guess I just like running, both to get to fitness and away from my duties as a member of the society. And also to forget.

I still need my running shoes though.

( Not like Pokemon. I can run without running shoes, but personally, I wouldn't want to. )

The point is though, I can run, walk or crawl 500 miles, but I will fall down, and then, THEN, responsibilities will come knocking at my door.

That won't be fun.

So might as well turn around and stare responsibility in the face (if it has one) and show him/her/it that I will rise to the challenge.

Besides, there are juniors watching. And she is watching. I can't run. I can't lose. Not now.


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