To tell you the truth, that sounded like hogwash to me.
Only slightly related:
But then again, any washing in the camp seemed to focus primarily on our cups, plates and cutlery. (Had to restrain myself from playing the cup song there and then. Always stuck in my brain, for some reason.)
With six meals a day, that's a looooooooooooot of stuff to wash.
I guess the whole point of the food thing is that they spend you out really fast with some camp activities like Spider Web or Marching or A Trip To The Nearby Dam or Fishing A Bottle With A Nail or Coming Up With A Group Slogan or Building A Raft or even Watch A Movie. (Hati Melayu 1957. Not a bad movie, if you ignore the lack of flow and shaky dialogue. Informative? Definitely)
And THEN they give you a recharge (main ingredient: sugar) every four hours.
I thought that's how phone batteries die out fast. But I digress.
That's a dam nice view from the top and bottom of the damn.
What makes this camp different from other camps, other that its insane length, is its insane amount patriotic songs and reference to governmental programs. Not in a bad way, of course. Most of the songs sound good and are REALLY sticky, esp Sudirman's. And it's good to know about what's actually happening in our country before going out so that you actually can talk about Malaysia with your overseas mates without sounding like you live under a rock/up a tree, as the common joke goes.
But how much of it is actually necessary?
I really hope I don't have to explain that Msia is between Singapore and Thailand.
Ah well. Something learnt, horizon broadened, blah blah blah. Maybe it might come in useful, who knows?
Okay, that's it for today. Cya.
But... will there be a part 3?
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